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Q10 Episode 6

I’m doing a recapathon for Q10. Yep, you can say that I’m already preparing for the awesome jdrama summer line-up! I’m so inspired that I’m planning to finish all pending episodes (including FoD too) Yay! *Fingers crossed*

Oooohhh! Love is in the air. I can smell it. I can feel it. I can taste it!  And the kiss… now, don’t get me starting…

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Hana Kimi Season 2 confirmed!

This may not be NEWS for some, but IT IS for me. Dang, I’ve been out of the circle again! I’m always late when it comes to news like this. Enough with the mindless complaining and on with the real deal.

Where was I? Oh yeah, so we already knew that there’s a Korean remake (Beautiful You), right? But a Japanese remake? Now, that’s a shock. It has only been what? 4 years since the first Jdrama adaptation? Isn’t it too early? But anyways, it’s still good news! And to top it all, it’s our very own “Kyuuto”, Maeda Atsuko, who’ll play the lead. Yay!

Well, the plot is basically similar (since it’s understandably a remake) but with a totally different cast, episode themes, scenes, teenage humour and story.

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Q10 Episode 5

Episode 5 straightforwardly addresses the usual teenage issue today: IDENTITY CRISIS.. the mind-boggling puzzle of knowing where you stand or whether you have a stand at all. :0

Now, I’m a little nostalgic. Youth! How quickly you’d left me? Come back and refresh my dried up memories. Oopsie. Having a moment here. Sorry, got a little carried away. Kekeke! 🙂

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Q10 Episode 4

Eeeehhh! A hug?! Now, I’m inspired. Tehehe. 🙂

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Q10 Episode 3

Show, why are you so freakin’ adorable?! What can I say… I love this episode to the core!

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Q10 Episode 2

I know many are anxiously waiting for this recap. Sorry but English subbed Q10 videos are really hard to search out these past weeks.

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Q10 Episode 1 (Edited)

Cute, funny, quirky, sweet and heart-warming! An interesting approach to life and love! 🙂

Note: The dialogues are basically roughly translated. Japanese isn’t really my first language. And it’s very hard to translate. I’m waiting for the fansubs but for now, hope you find this helpful.

Episode 1

Take, for example… a person on this earth who is more important to you than yourself. Does a person like that truly exist? Take, for example… something that seems like it should change my life…giving a confession of love like the ones I’ve seen on TV…wearing clothes I found in a magazine…going on a date at a place everyone lines up to get into …kissing someone in a scene just like a movie… In the dead of night, I ask myself over and over “it would have been good even if it wasn’t me, right?”… “It would have been good even if it wasn’t you, right?”… “The guy next to me would’ve done just as well, right?”… “Was there any reason it had to be the two of us in the first place?”  It can begin at any time and end at any time. Something that disposable … is that really love? It isn’t sold anywhere and it doesn’t have a name. Falling in love with someone like that is that some… incredible miracle?

Our show opens with a “girl” (Maeda Atsuko) sitting on the road. But then something’s wrong! How come she appears so lifeless?! Don’t worry she ain’t dead, just turned off.

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Kdrama Crazy

by a Kdrama Crazy, for a Kdrama Crazy, to a Kdrama Crazy


Them K-Pop and K-dramas though.

┊ M I C H I I S U B S

Saving lives through K-Dramas

Musings of a Chunkeemonkeeato

K-drama, K-movie reviews, K-pop and other monkey business

Dreams of Jianghu

Novel Translations

IMO - Time4Drama

The Best Way to Procrastinate

sigh i love kdramas

Reviews on Korean and Asian Dramas